Dark Skies 2020-04-222017-07-02 by The Emperor1 After many months of hard work by Daddy and myself, we have released our first video game that we think is worth paying a bit for. We're pretty excited! https://ivarforkbeard.itch.io/dark-skies
elements game 2020-04-222016-09-27 by The Emperor1 https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/113889385/ My game😃
A Sneak Preview of My Videogame 2020-04-222016-08-14 by The Emperor1 I have been working hard at coding what I call an “elements” game. Here’s a sneak peak at one of the higher level screens…
The Invasion! 2020-04-222015-11-19 by The Emperor1 I programmed this game myself while studying at the Code Academy! Daddy’s highest score is 17 – can anyone beat that? https://studio.code.org/c/128583356