The Emperor1
Wipe Out!
Daddy and I decided to try to make a tobogganing trail down into our ravine. There was a really choice path that with a bit of work, became and amazing slalom!
After seeing how much speed I could get, Daddy has insisted I start wearing a helmet – so I got a very patriotic one!
Hopefully with more snow we can build up the banks even higher to keep me on the curvy and narrow path.
Corn Chowder
Last week Mama and Daddy suggested that perhaps I should make supper some night. Daddy had canned corn the day before and two jars didn’t seal properly, so he suggested I make a corn chowder type soup. He suggested ingredients, and I prepared them and put them into the slow cooker. Olive oil, sausage, onion, corn, potato, yogurt, milk and lots of Parmesan cheese.
…there were no leftovers…